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Nerves, Pain & Degeneration: Injection Manual Level 1

Regular price $217.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $217.00 USD

As a medical professional, you know the importance of proper diagnosis and treatment for patients suffering from chronic neuropathic pain. That's why we've created the LEVEL ONE: Perineural Superficial Injection Manual, a comprehensive guide specifically designed for medical professionals like you. This manual covers everything you need to know about Valleix Points (VPs), specific locations along the course of a nerve where pressure can cause pain in cases of neuralgia. With detailed information on specific exams, nerve tension tests, and techniques for targeting these areas, you'll be able to provide relief to your patients and improve their overall health. The manual is divided into sections on the head and neck, upper extremity, spine, thorax, pelvis and abdomen, and lower extremity, making it easy to find the information you need. Don't miss out on this invaluable resource for your practice.